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Whether you are a student, employee, or one-time guests of American University of Health Sciences, campus safety is an important part of our mission. We strive to promote an atmosphere that encourages preparedness, security, and best-practices for our campus.

Our gated campus is located in Signal Hill, California near coastal Los Angeles County. AUHS works closely with our local community, officers and emergency first responders of Signal Hill to ensure the safety of our campus guests.

We encourage our students and visitors to take a moment to read the steps below to ensure proper safety measures.

Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990

There have been no crimes committed at this institution to date. The following policies must be adhered to at this institution to ensure the safety of the students. Do not leave your money or jewelry in your purse or backpack. If you see, somebody’s personal belongings left behind call it to their attention.
The back stairway and door should never be utilized to enter or exit the building with the exception of emergencies. When using the restroom make sure to lock the interior lock. Evening classes start at 6:00 PM.

The outside doors are locked at 6:30 PM. It is best to be early. Departure from the Institution should be done in-group or at minimum in pairs. Nobody should leave the premises at night unaccompanied.

Campus Crime Security Report 2024


Campus Security Act Disclosure Agreement.

Drug-Free Workplace/Campus Substance Abuse & Policy
Drug-free Workplace/Campus Substance Abuse Policy (PDF)

If anyone is aware of crimes being committed at this Institution, you must notify the Director immediately. If a person knowingly observes crime and does not report it, they will be considered an accessory to the crime committed. Upon notification of crimes, the Director will notify the local authorities immediately. Following is a list of crimes that are to be reported.

  • Murder
  • Forcible and non forcible sex offenses
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor Vehicle
  • theft

Crimes of murder, forcible rape and aggravated assault that show evidence of prejudice based on race, religious, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. Possession of alcohol, drugs or any type of weapon is prohibited at this Institution. It is the intent of this Institution to have a drug free institution. Possession, use or sale of alcoholic beverages or drugs will be cause for immediate termination. The possession, use or sales of drugs will be reported to the appropriate authorities. If you require any information regarding alcohol or drug abuse, please refer to the Director. We have information available regarding the affects of drug and alcohol abuse as well as a listing of agencies for rehabilitation and help.

Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance (34 CFR Part 106; Section 106.3)
Agency: Office of the Civil Rights, Department of Education
Action: Title IX Final Rule
In compliance with the Title IX Final Rule, American University of Health Sciences informs the students, employees, and other constituents of the following information notice:
Title IX Coordinator: Marilyn Uvero, PhD(c), EdD, MSN, RN
1600 East Hill Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755
562.988.2278 ext 2049

Sexual harassment is reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the University. It subverts the institutional mission statements and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well being of students, faculty, and staff. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination and relationships involving sexual harassment or discrimination have no place within the University. In both obvious and subtle ways, the very possibility of sexual harassment is destructive to individual students, faculty, staff, and the academic community as a whole.
When, through fear of reprisal, a student, staff member, or faculty member submits or is pressured to submit to unwanted sexual attention, the entire University suffers.
Sexual harassment is especially serious when it threatens relationships between teacher and student or supervisor and subordinate. In such situations, sexual harassment exploits unfairly the power inherent in a faculty member or supervisor’s position. Through grades, wage increases, recommendations for graduate study, promotion, and the like, a teacher or supervisor can have a decisive influence on a student’s, staff members, or faculty member’s career at the University and beyond.
While sexual harassment most often takes place in situations of a power differential between the persons involved, the University also recognizes that sexual harassment may occur between persons of the same university status. Sexual harassment may also occur between persons of the same sex. The University will not tolerate behavior between or among members of the Institutional community that creates an unacceptable working or educational environment.

The Final Rule defines sexual harassment broadly to include any of three types of misconduct on the basis of sex, all of which jeopardize the equal access to education that Title IX is designed to protect: Any instance of quid pro quo harassment by a school’s employee; any unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies a person equal educational access; any instance of sexual assault (as defined in the Cle1y Act), dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking as defined in the Violence Against Women Act (VA WA):

  • The Final Rule prohibits sex-based misconduct in a manner consistent with the First Amendment. Quid pro quo harassment and Cle1y Act NAWA offenses are not evaluated for severity, pervasiveness, offensiveness, or denial of equal educational access, because such misconduct is sufficiently serious to deprive a person of equal access.
  • The Final Rule uses the Supreme Court ‘s Davis definition (severe and pervasive and objectively offensive conduct, effectively denying a person equal educational access) as one of the three categories of sexual harassment, so that where unwelcome sex-based conduct consists of speech or expressive conduct, schools balance Title IX enforcement with respect for free speech and academic freedom
  • The Final Rule uses the Supreme Court ‘s Title IX-specific definition rather than the Supreme Court’s Title VII workplace standard (severe or pervasive conduct creating a hostile work environment). First Amendment concerns differ in educational environments and workplace environments, and the Title IX definition provides First Amendment protections appropriate for educational institutions where students are learning, and employees are teaching. Students, teachers, faculty, and others should enjoy free speech and academic freedom protections, even when speech or expression is offensive.

[The prohibited acts of sexual harassment and definition of Sexual Harassment are drawn directly from “34 CFR Part 106: Nondiscrimination of the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance, 106.30 Definitions, Sexual Harassment (1)(2)(3)].


  • Policies of the University include the prohibition of intoxicants and illegal drugs on campus.
  • Personal and health problems involving alcohol, drug abuse, or emotional disturbances can affect one’s academic and clinical performance. Nursing students who are impaired by alcoholism, drug abuse or mental illness are judged unsafe and are a danger to self and a grave danger to the patient in their care.
  • The faculty of the School of Nursing has the right and responsibility to prohibit students from participating in the clinical practicum when it is judged the student cannot provide safe care. Students who are considered clinically unsafe are advised to withdraw from the nursing program. In such instances when the clinically unsafe student does not withdraw, the student will automatically receive a “D” or “F” for the clinical course which then requires repetition, with permission from the instructor and space availability.
  • Alcoholism, drug abuse and emotional disturbances are diseases. It is the responsibility of the nursing student to voluntarily seek diagnosis and treatment for any suspected illness.
  • Nursing students who develop these diseases can be helped to recover and may re-enter the nursing program. University and School of Nursing Policies allow recovered students to be reinstated.
  • When nursing students are identified as having any of the above problems, appropriate referral for treatment will be made through Student Services.
  • Confidential handling of the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases is essential.